When he came to, the room was filled with colonial officials. The Doctor was kneeling at his side.

"Took your sweet time," he observed.

Jack sat up woozily, rubbing his back. "Wounds to the back take a lot more time generally," he explained. "Head wounds are easier for some reason."

The Doctor helped him up. "You did well." He patted him roughly on the shoulder. "Let's go home."

Jack noticed that the Doctor didn't let go of his arm as he led him through the clamoring crowd. "Where are Rachel and her family?"

"Still in hiding," said the Doctor. "They'll come out soon. Old Mr. Easley's got a planet to rebuild. You know, I think he might just win the election. I knew his name sounded familiar."

Jack didn't reply. His heart was still pounding with adrenaline from earlier. Dying suddenly tended to do that–his systems were working overtime.

"You need rest," the Doctor was saying. "You didn't get any sleep last night."

"I'm fine," said Jack. He waited as the Doctor unlocked the TARDIS and held the door open for him. He laid his hands on his coat, which he'd slung over the support by the door, where the Doctor usually hung his own. "What did Gwen say?"

"Hm?" The Doctor was by the controls, turning knobs and pulling levers. "She asked me to keep an eye out for you, do you mean that?"

"Was she... upset?"

The Doctor glanced up at him. "She misses you, Jack. You're her friend."

Jack sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't..."

The Doctor came up beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You do. You do deserve it, Jack. You proved that today, even though I knew it all along. Trust me, Jack. He would be proud of you."

Jack sat down at the base of the console. "You don't know that," he said darkly.

"I think I do," said the Doctor softly. "Because he cared about you, and I care about you. And Jack, I'm proud of you."

Jack closed his eyes to stave off the tears. "I didn't deserve him."

The Doctor sat down beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "You did," he murmured. "You did."


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jack stuck his hands in his pockets. He and the Doctor were walking down the quiet, tree-lined street Gwen now lived on. Jack had never seen their new house (though he supposed it could no longer be considered "new") but he realized it was the kind of place he'd imagined them living.

"Positive," said the Doctor firmly. "She's worried sick about you."

Jack frowned.

"I'm here," the Doctor added. "And, remember, she can't kill you."

The Doctor led the way up the path to the house. They had nearly reached the front door when it swung open and Rhys ran out carrying a small suitcase. He stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the Doctor and Jack.

"Rhys?" Gwen's voice came from inside the house. "Don't just stand there. We've got to go. I mean, this is what you get for making me wait till the last minute."

She came up beside her husband and froze too. "Oh my God," she breathed.

"Did we come at a bad time?" asked the Doctor.

Gwen rushed forward and threw her arms around Jack. "Oh, you idiot," she murmured. "Where have you been?"

He hugged her back tightly. "I'm sorry," he said softly.

"I was so worried," she sobbed. "I didn't know where you were, what had happened to you. You left me, Jack!"

"I'm sorry," he said again.

She pulled back and glared at him, though her eyes held no anger. "You're lucky I'm in the state I'm in. We were just on our way to the hospital."

The Doctor and Jack exchanged glances. Jack shook his head no. The Doctor nodded his head yes.


The four of them were a tight fit in Rhys's car.

"Are you sure we had to bring them, then?" he asked, glancing at the Doctor and Jack in the backseat.

"I'm not letting him out of my sight," Gwen muttered.

"I took the liberty of taking his vortex manipulator," the Doctor explained, though she showed no sign of listening to him as another contraction hit her. "He's not going anywhere–he doesn't even have a bus pass."

"So he could have stayed at home," Rhys concluded. "Or gone somewhere else."

"What, and miss the miracle of childbirth?" said the Doctor. "I can't wait. Have you picked a name yet? I've always been partial to Melvin. Melvin Williams. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

Rhys sighed.

Jack watched the traffic fly by without comment. He had certainly missed Gwen, but he wasn't sure he really wanted to return to Cardiff. Everything reminded him of Ianto, he realized with a pang as Rhys pulled into the car park of the hospital. There was a restaurant across the street they'd had dinner at several times. The Doctor reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

The Doctor left them in the lobby, muttering something about a little shop. Jack squeezed onto the lift with Gwen and Rhys when the nurse wasn't looking.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked Rhys.

"Coming with you," said Jack. "I want to see the baby."

"No, I'm not having you here. You crashed the wedding, you found out she was pregnant before I did, you–"

"Rhys, stop it," said Gwen harshly from her wheelchair. "I want him here."

Jack gave Rhys a triumphant grin.

It was actually pretty boring sitting around watching Gwen lie there, groaning occasionally. She didn't seem interested in conversation and the couple of times she grabbed his hand, he thought he might not get it back.

Jack was watching Rhys flip through the channels on the TV, looking for something interesting on at one in the morning when Gwen said, "I think it's time."

Jack and Rhys exchanged glances. "I'll get the doctor," they both chorused.

"You get your Doctor," said Rhys. "I want to see my baby being born."

Jack hesitated for a moment, but then Gwen said, "Go get him, Jack. Lord knows where he is."

Jack met the Doctor coming off the lift, gripping a bunch of balloons.

"Look what I found in the little shop!" he declared, thrusting the balloons at Jack. "They even wrote up a little card, look." He handed it to Jack who took it and unfolded it.

Happy Birthday. Love, the Doctor and Uncle Jack.

"Uncle Jack?" asked Jack incredulously. His stomach was doing that flip-flop thing again, much to his consternation.

"Sure!" said the Doctor, seemingly oblivious. "I mean, I thought about Uncle Doctor but that's rubbish. You're Uncle Jack, though."

"But... I'm not its uncle."

"Sure you are!" The Doctor smiled and led the way out of the shop. "Humans do that all the time."

"I know," said Jack quietly.

"Come on, then!" The Doctor grabbed his arm, dragging him toward the lift. "Let's see if our nephew's been born yet."

"I thought they didn't know the sex," said Jack.

"Oh, right." The Doctor paused. "Oops." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry for the spoiler."

The Doctor did a terrible job of feigning surprise when Rhys ran up to them in the corridor, exclaiming that it was a boy.

Jack grinned. "So, did you name him after me?"

Rhys took a deep breath. "I think Gwen would like to tell you the name."

Jack had to admit Gwen looked lovely. He hadn't seen much of her pregnant, but sitting there, holding her baby, she was absolutely glowing and he told her so.

"Oh, shut up, I look a mess," she said, smiling. "Would you like to hold him?"

"Oh, no, I don't think..." Jack looked down at the squirming baby Gwen held out to him. He looked... like a baby. He reminded Jack of Grey, of Alice, of Steven. Carefully, Jack held out his arms and picked him up.

"Eddie," said Gwen. She took a deep breath. "Edward Ianto Williams."

"He's beautiful," Jack murmured. Eddie turned his head and looked at him. He was surprisingly focused, despite the drool.

"Looks just like me," Rhys declared, from over Jack's shoulder. "He's got the Williams nose."

"All human babies look the same," the Doctor drawled, ignoring the glare he received from Rhys. He leaned in, examining Eddie closely and wiggled his fingers. "Look what I've got for you. Went back to the TARDIS to get it. It was mine when I was a tyke." He pulled a banana-shaped rattle out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket and shook it. Eddie stared, mesmerized.

Jack watched the Doctor. It had never occurred to him that the Doctor would be good with kids, but it was oddly calming watching him interact with the baby.

"So, what will you do?" Gwen asked, taking Eddie back after a few moments.

Jack paused. He turned to look at the Doctor.

"You're welcome to come with me," he said simply.

Jack looked back at Gwen, who was settling Eddie against her chest. "You'll visit, won't you?" she asked. "I'm not losing you again. You'll be around to see Eddie grow up."

Jack smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."