13.   Christening

Mrs Weasley flew at them engulfing them one after the other in rib cracking hugs, sobbing loudly.

“Oh you’re safe, you’re alright,” she wailed. “You are all right aren’t you? All of you?” Harry nodded dumbly, gazing in horror at The Burrow’s kitchen. The floor was strewn with broken crockery, cutlery was thrown haphazardly about the room and the chairs and table were overturned. Three Aurors roamed the room making notes and taking pictures.

“What the bloody hell happened here?” demanded Ron. Charlie and Percy were standing in the doorway to the hallway and both of them shrugged.

“Was like this when we all got home,” said Charlie. Harry noticed Ginny was pale and shaking and he put his arms around her instinctively.

“Where’s George?” asked Hermione.

Dunno,” answered Charlie. “We were hoping he was with you lot.” Mrs Weasley was staring anxiously out of the kitchen window as if that could make George appear. Mr Weasley came in the back door just then and proclaimed that all wards were intact and given the lack of damage to any of the outside doors they must have come through the Floo during the Ceremony.

“We’re finished here now Mrs Weasley,” said one of the Aurors. “Bad luck Arthur, hope there’s nothing missing, they don’t appear to have gone upstairs at all. You should be right to fix this up now. We’ll be fixing the security on the other end of the Floo as soon as we go back through.” The Aurors left through the Floo and Mrs Weasley picked up a chair and sank into it with a heavy sigh.

“What happened, dad?” asked Ron again.

“Death Eaters,” grimaced Mr Weasley. Harry blanched and Hermione gasped.

“What?” barked Ron. “I thought we got rid of all those tosspots!”

“They have been mostly captured in the last three weeks but there are a couple still on the run,” explained Mr Weasley. “They wanted to leave a warning.” He thrust a sheet of Parchment at Ron.

“Bloody hell,” whispered Ron, his face going white. Harry reached over and snatched it from Ron’s grasp and promptly leaned over and retched when he saw what was written on the parchment.

<i>We’ll get the rest of your brats, Weasley, and then we go after Potter.</i>

Hermione and Ginny helped Harry into a chair while Ron cleaned up the vomit. Harry was shaking violently, Ginny not faring much better and Mrs Weasley was beginning to rock back and forth muttering about George and wringing her hands.

“Charlie, go and look for George. Percy, you go and fetch Bill. This is more important than forgotten silencing charms,” ordered Mr Weasley quietly. They both nodded and hurried off, Ron in pursuit of Charlie. Hermione made tea that no one drank and Mr Weasley began setting the kitchen to rights while they waited for the boys to return.


“How can this happen?” whispered Harry after what seemed like hours. Bill and Fleur had returned and Fleur had made something to eat but no one had much of an appetite. George, Ron and Charlie had still not returned or sent any word and darkness was falling.

“He’s supposed to be gone,” said Hermione quietly. “I can’t believe everything we’ve gone through to still be faced with this.” Harry couldn’t believe that the happiness he had felt that morning had been so easily dissipated. It almost felt like a Dementor had swept in and was hovering over them. He hadn’t eaten a bite and he felt so cold. He began shivering, heedless of the concerned looks that Bill threw his way.

Suddenly there was a commotion at the door and it burst open to reveal three red headed men, the two on the outside supporting the one in the middle. Ron and Charlie dragged George into the room between them. All three of them were covered in blood, but George appeared to be unconscious.

“Him and Lee together with Neville, Dean and Seamus took <i>Dennis Creevey</i> out for some Firewhiskey,” Charlie puffed as he hefted George through to the living room. “I have no <i>idea</i> what they could possibly have been thinking. Nutters the lot of them. And as for Aberforth, he’s not blameless in this either!” He and Ron dropped George on the couch and Mrs Weasley flew over to him.

“It’s just superficial mum, he’s not bleeding much. He got knocked out though, tripped over a tree root the silly git,” said Ron. “I could use a few healing spells here though.” Ron exposed his arm, a deep cut ran the length of it and Mrs Weasley and Hermione cried out in alarm.

“What in the blazes <i>happened</i> to you!” bellowed Mr Weasley. “You’ve been gone for hours, you send no word and you turn up bleeding with George unconscious! Where on earth have you been and what have you been up to?” George began to stir. Mrs Weasley and Hermione tended to Ron’s wounds, and George, as he came around, and Charlie explained what had happened.

He and Ron had gone back to the Ministry to find the place in an uproar. Two Death Eaters had apparently Flooed back in and tried to blast their way out of the still crowded Atrium. One had been captured but the other escaped. Tracking down Cho, the last remaining DA member in the Banquet Room, they found out where George and the others had gone. Unfortunately Cho had already given that information to a mysterious stranger.

“She’s been more trouble than she’s worth, that one!” exclaimed Ron. Ginny growled. “Honestly you’d think she could tell what a Death Eater looked like by now. Well we hot footed it to Hogsmeade of course, found The Hogs Head full of spell fire. If that lot hadn’t been drunk they could have fought off our old friend but he’d pinned them behind the bar the dozy gits.”

“Wasn’t expecting Ron though,” said Charlie, pride in his voice. “Took him down with one hex, sent him flying through the window!”

“Yeah, had the unfortunate effect of sending a piece of flying glass at me though,” winced Ron as Hermione continued to clean his wound. “Aberforth thought it would be a good idea to charm the windows so that if someone goes flying out of one, all the glass comes flying straight back inside and reforms back into the frame. You stand too close to one when you send someone flying through it and manage to get in the way of reforming glass and you end up like this.”

“So you’re all okay then? Nobody got hurt apart from that?” demanded Mrs Weasley.

“No, the blood on me is all Ron’s and George here is banged up only because he was too drunk to walk straight and as we tried to get him home he lurched off into the Forest and fell over,” explained Charlie.

“The Aurors came and took away the Death Eater. They interrogated the other one and turns out they were the ones here. Kingsley reckons they are both a bit deranged,” said Ron. “Says there’s no more Death Eaters out there either. They were the last two known ones. Trials start now though.”

“We had to apparate Dean, Seamus and Dennis home and deal with their very irate mothers,” Charlie continued. “Angelina’s got a bigger temper than Lee’s mum.” He shuddered.

“Angelina?” asked Ginny.

“Yeah, apparently they are an ‘item’ now. She’s not a fan of drunk Lee,” Charlie confessed. “By the time we finished all that, George here had drunk Aberforth under the table.”

 The family sat there in silence while Mrs Weasley dotted dittany on the scrapes on George’s face and Hermione bandaged Ron’s arm to protect the new skin that was forming over his cut. Harry closed his eyes and let out a deep breath as Charlie and Ron finished their stories.

He snapped his eyes back open as the flashes of green returned and the glowing red eyes leered at him.

“Are you alright, Harry?” asked Ginny softly. Wordlessly Harry nodded and avoided Bill’s gaze. Mrs Weasley chivvied them off to bed only moments later and while Ron fell asleep immediately his head hit the pillow, Harry sat huddled against the wall by his bed, staring into the darkness far too afraid to close his eyes.


Panting, soaked with sweat, Harry shot upright in bed, the sheet tangled around his legs. He thrashed about, the feeling of being trapped was pressing down on him and he leaned over the side of the bed as that very thought made him violently ill. A hand was rubbing his back and a soft voice was whispering something to him, a cool flannel pressed to his forehead and a glass of water thrust into his shaking hands.

Harry looked up into Bill’s concerned face as he gulped the water down. Bill vanished the vomit from the floor and took the glass, setting it on the windowsill. Harry let the tears slip from his eyes and slide down his cheeks as Bill gathered him in a hug to rival one of Mrs Weasley’s. Harry didn’t care that it was Bill; that he was crying on another man’s shoulder. He thought vaguely that it should feel a bit weird but it didn’t.

“I told you to tell us, kid,” Bill was whispering. “If you’re feeling bad, tell us, we can help.” Harry sniffed and pulled himself off Bill, sitting upright in the bed.

“How did you know? Was I screaming out or something?”

“No. I saw you, downstairs, and I knew that something was bothering you,” replied Bill. “I could tell so I came and sat with you because you lied. You told Ginny you were alright. I knew you weren’t, she knew you weren’t. The only reason I’m here and not her is because I sent her to bed half an hour ago.” Harry let out a shuddering sigh. His nightmares were back and he was too afraid to sleep. He thought the nightmares were behind him but clearly they weren’t.

Bill pressed a Dreamless Sleep Potion into his hands. Harry drank it and sank back onto his pillow as Bill pulled the covers up around his shoulders and stroked his hair until he fell asleep.


It was a very pale Harry who made his way down the stairs for breakfast the next morning. Despite the Dreamless Sleep Potion he hadn’t actually slept much after staying awake half the night to avoid nightmares. Dark smudges sat under his eyes and his feet felt heavy as he plodded down the stairs. Mrs Weasley inspected him carefully, feeling his forehead and peering into his eyes before pushing him into a seat and giving him a heaped pile of bacon and eggs. He felt numb and more than a little bit detatched.

And then Ginny was there. He watched as she twirled into the room, her hair flying as she danced away from Charlie and his teasing. He watched her as she greeted her mother good morning with a kiss and settled herself next to him and her kiss on his cheek seemed to break the silence and thaw his soul. The kitchen came back to life and time began again. Harry reached for her and held onto her as the dam broke again and he cried. He had absolutely no idea why he was crying he thought he’d moved beyond that now. He’d buried the dead and sorted things out – he found the happiness – so he had no idea what was happening now.

But nobody moved to accuse him of not holding it together, to tease him or mock him. Ginny simply held him as he cried and when he finished Charlie handed him a clean handkerchief and Mrs Weasley gave him a fresh plate of piping hot eggs and bacon and patted him on the cheek. He spent the day sitting in the living room with Ginny, talking quietly or dozing, his head in her lap.

The following days passed in a similar fashion. He would fight nightmares at night, eat breakfast in the mornings and then spend the day quietly with Ginny. Sometimes Ron and Hermione would join them and Harry played chess with Ron. Once they all went swimming with George down at the pond and Harry even laughed as they splashed about. Mrs Weasley spent her days making his favourite foods and doing his washing, Mr Weasley brought him Muggle appliances and pieces of the flying motorcycle and asked him to explain what they were for (he never did quite manage to convince Mr Weasley that a CD could store music) and Bill and Fleur stayed until Harry’s nightmares stopped.

Percy kept them all updated on the trials that were held daily at the Ministry. The day he brought home the news that Dolores Umbridge had been imprisoned for her crimes against Muggleborns George declared it Justice Day and that night set off a series of Red and Gold fireworks over Fred’s grave. The day Percy told them that the Malfoys had weaseled their way out of Azkaban by proving collusion with Harry at the end of the battle George declared it Ponce Day and spent the night in his room devising a new series of confectionery that he sent to Malfoy Manor and refused to tell anyone what they would do. Rumour had it that Draco and his father spent a good three weeks in St Mungos but it was largely unconfirmed.

Harry had sent a statement about Narcissa’s actions at Kingsley’s request and the Wizengamot had called Hagrid in to testify as the only alive and non incarcerated witness to Harry’s ‘death’. Fleur expressed loudly the opinion that Hagrid had bollixed it up (Mrs Weasely was rendered speechless at her language before declaring her boys a bad influence on the women in their lives) and Ron and Harry rose up in defence of Hagrid but it soon degenerated into a fight between the two of them about the contents of Harry’s statement. When Harry conceded that Lucius had definitely taken advantage of the situation and Ron admitted that maybe Narcissa did side with Harry, albeit briefly, their argument cooled and Harry’s impassioned plea that they let it go instead of continuing the sort of hatred for which Riddle had been well known made a big impact. The day after the Malfoy trial a haughty looking owl delivered a package to The Burrow. It contained Ron and Hermione’s wands. Ron was heard to say that if Malfoy could let it go he would let it go, but no one had better expect him to talk to the git.

Charlie went back to Romania at the end of June.

“Bye Mum,” he said patting his mother on the back as she released a fresh flood of tears all over him. He turned to Ginny and squeezed her tightly. “Seeya Squirt.”

“I’m not a squirt,” grumbled Ginny but Harry saw her cling a little tighter to her older brother for a moment longer. Charlie shook Percy’s and his father’s hands.

“Take Care Son,” murmured Mr Weasley, communicating without words. Charlie nodded in response and Harry wondered what it would be like to have that sort of unspoken relationship with your father. Charlie moved to Hermione, kissing her cheek and then gave Ron and George back slapping hugs. When he pulled Harry into a hug he whispered in his ear.

“Take care of the squirt, if you need anything, just owl.” And then he Disapparated with a short wave. Mrs Weasely spent the rest of the day cooking everyone’s favourite foods and feeding them. As he ate his fourth serving of treacle tart, Harry contemplated that this is what made Mrs Weasely feel better, make sure everyone else was all right. Percy went back to his own flat a few days later with a much more reserved and handshake heavy farewell.

The days marched on relentlessly to July, there were strange explosions coming from George’s room, Ron, Harry and Ginny flew around the orchard after raiding the broomshed while Hermione sat underneath the apple tree and read from Seventh Year textbooks and the ghoul began rattling his chains again. Hermione filed the extra travel paperwork. Mr Weasley had convinced Mrs Weasley to let Ginny go with them.

“I reckon that Dad just reminded Mum that if Ginny’s not here, they won’t have to remember the silencing charms,” Ron said slyly on the afternoon Mrs Weasley gave her permission for Ginny to go to Australia with the rest of them.

“Ron!” exclaimed a red faced Hermione, slapping him on the arm. Ginny just laughed.

“You could be right,” she chuckled. Harry just shook his head, it wasn’t something he wanted to spend his time thinking about.

After a week and a half of very little exertion and complete pampering at the hands of Mrs Weasley Harry was almost feeling like his old self when a flurry of owls caused excitement levels to rise at the Burrow. The first owl, bearing <i>The Daily Prophet</i> aggressively demanded its payment, pecking at Harry’s hand repeatedly until he managed to extract the right coins from his pocket.

The wizarding newspaper declared that Kingsley had been made the permanent Minister of Magic and contained an announcement that Hogwarts was to reopen as usual on September first. Students could expect their Hogwarts letters within the next few weeks. Hermione squealed and began dancing around the kitchen while Ron smiled at her indulgently. Mrs Weasley divested an owl of an official looking envelope which turned out to be an invitation to Teddy Lupin’s Christening on July 5th, less than a week away.

“He’s not Christened yet?” asked Harry.

“No, they were going to do it next time it was safe to contact you,” Mrs Weasley explained. “That time never really came I suppose. It was going to be a quiet affair, a bit secret really, especially with his godfather having a price on his head. I expect Andromeda wants to make a big fuss now there’s no reason not to.” Mrs Weasley looked at the invitation in her hands rather wistfully. Harry opened his own envelope from Andromeda which included a letter.

<i>Dear Harry,

I have gone ahead and arranged Teddy’s Christening. I hope you don’t mind. I’m sorry the notice is short but this is the little church Dora was christened at and the only date free before you return to Hogwarts. It is to be a small affair but if there is anyone you wish to invite, let me know. Molly told me you’d been under some strain these past few days when I contacted her to see why you’d not been to visit. That nice Neville Longbottom has been around a couple of times though. I invited him to the Christening. He seems to be quite attached to little Ted.

I do hope you are feeling better these days and please, come over as soon as you can. I know Teddy misses you.

Yours, Andromeda. </i>

Harry felt suddenly terribly guilty. He’d been so tied up in his own thoughts that he’d not made the time or found the energy to go and see Teddy. He’d be back at school soon and his chances to see him would dwindle. Ron was still eating breakfast and Mrs Weasley, Hermione and Ginny were contemplating what to wear to the Christening and if they had the time or the funds to get something new. Making a decision he abruptly pulled out his Gringotts key and tossed it onto the table.

“Funds,” he said briefly, as he got up. “I’m going to see Teddy today. Just keep Ron away from my family jewels!” Ginny snickered. Ron stopped eating long enough to make a rude hand gesture at Harry.

“How many times Ronald Weasley? I will not tell you again! If I see that one more time I’ll jinx your fingers together!” his mother shouted at him before turning on Harry. “And what do you think you’re doing?” Harry crossed his arms and simply looked at her.

“I’m dragging myself out of the pit of misery I’ve been wallowing in,” he said. “I’ve been so busy indulging in my own grief that I forgot I even had a responsibility to Teddy. Sirius went after Pettigrew so that he could avenge my parents and it kept him from me. Remus spent his time in seclusion and despair instead of with me. Teddy needs me. He’s got his grandmother but he needs me too. At least Neville remembered that.” Mrs Weasley studied him silently for a moment before speaking.

“I’m glad you’ve worked that out dear,” she said with a smile. “I told Andromeda it wouldn’t be long. I was actually referring to this dear.” And she waved his Gringotts key at him.

“Oh, don’t worry. You won’t have any problem making a withdrawal. I had Bill set it up so Ginny could use it,” Harry stopped abruptly, blushing as Ron’s jaw dropped. Harry shuffled his feet uncomfortably. “Please don’t say you can’t accept it. When was the last time any of you had something new? You all do so many things for me and … please?” Mrs Weasley’s face softened.

“Well just this once,” she eventually said.

“Good, that’s settled then,” said Harry. “I’m going to change and Floo over to see Teddy. I’ll be back for dinner.”

“Can I get a new broom, Harry?” called Ron cheekily to his retreating back. Harry answered with a rude hand gesture and Mrs Weasley began to berate Ron for being so incredibly rude.

“How come he doesn’t get his fingers jinxed together and I’m the one who gets into trouble?” Ron’s indignant voice came wafting up the stairs. “George was right! He is your favourite!” Harry laughed. It was good to be with family.

Harry changed quickly and headed back downstairs to Floo to Andromeda’s. He found Ginny alone in the kitchen washing up and staring out the window as if in a trance. He came up behind her and slid his arms around her waist, kissing her on the side of the neck. She tilted her head to give him better access and he continued to press soft kisses along the side of her neck and behind her ear.

“Why did you do that, Harry?” she suddenly asked, still looking out of the window. Harry froze.

“Do what, exactly? I’ve done a lot of things …” he trailed off. It had sounded far more amusing in his head. Ginny turned in his grasp and fixed her gaze somewhere over his left shoulder.

“Set your key up like that,” was all she said. Harry pulled away from her, his arms dropping to his sides.

“Why are you asking?”

“Because I want to know,” said Ginny evasively.

“Do you have a problem with it?”

“No.” Ginny shook her head.

“So, who cares why?” Harry stuffed his hands in his pockets and turned away to study the coat rack just inside the back door.

“I want to understand,” was the only reply he got. Slowly he turned around. She had turned back to the washing up and was slowly dragging a cloth over a plate.

“Because you are everything,” he said. He took a step back towards her. “I feel more … complete with you. It’s like not being with you just means I have to get back to you. It matters to me how you are … I want you to be happy – “

“Oh and you think money will make me happy?” Ginny slapped a large pan forcefully into the sink and it made a satisfying smacking sound as it hit the water.

“No!” said Harry fiercely. “My life isn’t complete without you. So if you’re not happy … well that matters to me. And you … need to be involved. You’re happiest when I share parts of me with you.” Ginny turned to look at him.

“Harry – “

“And this is part of me. If I don’t share all of me with you, why share anything at all?” Harry continued. “That day the Death Eaters came I got so panicked but I didn’t tell you. Bill told me that I <i>lied</i> to you and I did. I said I was fine and I wasn’t at all. I’m sorry.

“I’m sorry I didn’t apologise before now. It made me think though. I don’t want to lie to you; I want you to know all of me, every part. Keeping something from you, anything, even my vault, isn’t doing that. My whole life is open to you. I belong to <i>you</i>. Keeping anything back … keeping something apart from you isn’t … it won’t … what’s mine is yours.” Harry took another step forward and shrugged. “It’s not about the fact that there’s money in there … so I got Bill to fix it so you had access.” Ginny stared at him. He felt pinned under her gaze.

“I don’t care if you never touch it or if you spend it all,” he said as he reached out and took her wet, soapy hand. “I love you. This is because I love you.” Harry looked into her eyes and felt himself caught up in eternity as he stared into their depths.  Slowly he lowered his face towards her and her eyes slid shut and her soft pink lips parted ever so slightly. As he looked at the lashes splayed across her cheeks and the freckles dusting across her nose he could smell that unique flowery scent that was Ginny and as he lowered his lips to hers he whispered, “With all my heart.”

Harry heard the door creak open as someone came in from the hallway just as he slid an arm around Ginny’s waist and pulled her towards him, running his tongue along her bottom lip as he did so and waiting for her to allow him entrance. Her lips parted and he deepened the kiss before a discreet cough made him pull reluctantly away. Ginny, her eyes still closed, leaned into him, laying her head on his chest and Harry looked up to see Ron with his hand on the door handle obviously trying very hard not to take the mickey out of them. He was turning purple with the effort.

“Just saying goodbye, Ron,” said Harry. “Will words do for you or would you like the same sort of goodbye?” Harry could feel Ginny shaking with laughter against his chest as Ron backed out muttering something about randy gits. Harry looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“I should get going,” he said reluctantly. “I’ll see you tonight. Have fun, okay? Oh, and you look divine in green.” He winked at her and released her going to the fireplace and grabbing some Floo powder from the pot on the mantelpiece.

“Harry,” Ginny stopped him. He turned around. “I love you too.” Harry smiled and gave her a little wave as he whirled out of sight and past the all the fireplaces to come tumbling out at Andromeda’s house.

He found Andromeda walking a screaming Teddy up and down the hallway, toys strewn all over the floor and the kitchen a mess. It was extremely unusual.

“Oh, Harry, lovely to see you dear,” she said tiredly when she saw him stepping out of the kitchen hearth. “Sorry about the mess.” She gestured vaguely at the room and resumed ineffectively patting Teddy on the back and his screams seemed to grow even louder. Harry was at a complete loss but he could tell that Andromeda was nearly out on her feet so he decided to take Teddy and he pulled out a chair for Andromeda to sit in.

Teddy quieted for a brief moment when Harry took him and he took that opportunity to set the kettle and begin making some tea – which was no mean feat one handed. Teddy began squalling again within minutes.

“Hey, little guy,” soothed Harry. “What’s wrong? Bad hair day? I know, I get them a lot. I’m not sure fuchsia is your colour you know.” Teddy did not stop crying. Andromeda let out a big sigh as Harry inelegantly plunked mug of tea in front of her on the table.

“I don’t know why he’s crying. He’s been doing it for hours,” she sounded on the verge of tears herself. “I know babies do that sometimes it’s just, well … hard.” Harry reached over and patted her awkwardly on the shoulder.

“Listen, I think you need a long break,” he began. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around much. It must be so hard …” he trailed off feeling completely inadequate. Andromeda looked up at him as she sipped her tea. Teddy seemed to be running out of steam he began sobbing quietly and hiccupping his tiny fists grabbing handfuls of Harry’s shirt.

“I’m too old for this,” she muttered. “How can I possibly be the best person to look after him? Look at me, I’m all alone and this place is a mess. You’d think I’d know something about looking after a baby! But the poor soul has been crying for hours and I don’t even know how to fix it.”

“You are the best person to look after Teddy,” said Harry softly, the baby beginning to snore quietly on his shoulder. “You’re his family and you love him. And you don’t have to do it on your own. I know I was a bit preoccupied but Mrs Weasley said you called – why didn’t you ask her for help? Please, call us if you need help. Don’t ever, ever think you’re alone.” Andromeda laid her head down on the table and cried while Harry rocked the slumbering Teddy in one arm and patted her back with the other. After a few minutes she straightened up and looked at Harry.

“You must think I’m a silly old woman, sobbing about the place, unable to even keep the house straight,” she said. “Well, best get on I suppose, that is if you don’t mind watching young Ted for a bit?”

“Get on? To where?” demanded Harry. “You’re not going to clean this place up; you’re going for a nice, long nap.”

“Oh really?” snapped Andromeda. “And who exactly will clean this place up then?”


“You’re <i>JOKING</i>!” Andromeda gazed at him in horror. “That foul, loathsome little b – Kreacher arrived in the kitchen with a loud crack.

“Yes, Master Harry?” Harry ignored the disgusted look Andromeda was throwing his way.

Kreacher, your services are needed here, I won’t be going back to Grimmauld Place any time soon, and well, Andromeda needs some help here for a bit,” explained Harry. Andromeda shot him a filthy look.

“I can’t believe you – “

“Always willing to serve a member of the Great and Noble House of Black,” said Kreacher, bowing so low his nose swept the floor.

“Please, Andromeda,” pleaded Harry. “Kreacher’s not so bad. He’s changed a bit lately. See he’s even overlooking the whole disowning thing. You need the help. I’m going to Australia soon and then back to Hogwarts in a couple of months. I don’t need Kreacher but you do. Please.” Kreacher had already started to straighten out the kitchen and Andromeda let out a long sigh, knowing she was defeated.

“Now, pack some things for Teddy. Let me take him for a holiday at The Burrow. Mrs Weasley would love the chance to fuss over him and Ron won’t admit it, but so would he,” said Harry. “You can come and collect him when you’re rested – take as long as you need.” Andromeda looked at him warily.

“Well, I suppose if Molly’s going to be there…” Harry smiled and Andromeda sighed as she got up, ruffling his hair as she passed. “You’re a good man, Harry Potter.”


Harry finally heard a commotion in the kitchen and happy laughing voices drift up the stairs. He sent up a silent prayer of thanks to whichever deity was listening. Carefully carrying his precious cargo he hastened down the stairs and burst into the kitchen to find Ron, Hermione and Ginny stacking all sorts of parcels on the table.

“Where’s Mum?” he demanded desperately over the extremely loud screaming emanating from Teddy.

“She’s stopped off to have a bite of lunch with dad, we came on home ‘cause we couldn’t bear to watch them making eyes at each other any longer,” Ron shuddered. “Why is the midget squawking like that?”

“I don’t know, Ron!” said Harry exasperatedly, as Ron took the infant from his arms. “Don’t you think if I knew I would do something to stop him?” Harry immediately headed to the pantry to fix himself a sandwich. As he gulped it down rapidly Teddy was passed from Ron to Hermione to Ginny but did not stop screaming for any of them.

“Why is Teddy here?” asked Ginny as she tried desperately to soothe him and he screwed up his face in response and wailed louder.

“I’d say because his Gran has gone insane with that caterwauling,” shouted Ron in disgust. “Trying to send us all barmy as well is she?”

“She’s exhausted,” explained Harry taking Teddy from Ginny’s grasp and attempting to rock him. “I brought Teddy here for a day or two so she can get some rest. I sent Kreacher there to help sort things out. She’s not been coping.”

“Well, how are we meant to cope?” demanded Ron.

“Well, for a start there are more of us than there are of her!” retorted Harry. Teddy reacted badly to the raised voices and began to scream even louder, something Harry had not thought possible.

“Has he been fed? Changed his nappy?” asked Hermione briskly. “What about sleep? Maybe he’s sleepy? If he’s fed and clean then what else is there?” Harry simply rolled his eyes.

“He might be in pain,” Ginny said softly as she ran her hand over Teddy’s downy little head. He gazed back at her miserably, his lip trembling as if threatening to unleash a fresh assault on their eardrums. Ginny continued to stroke his head as Harry rocked him while snuggling the baby against his chest and Teddy’s eyes slowly slipped shut.

Harry looked up to find Ron looking at him and Ginny with an odd wistful look on his face. He raised an eyebrow in question but Ron merely shrugged. Harry began to breathe a little easier as Teddy appeared to fall into a fitful, but quiet slumber and he eased into a chair, careful not to jostle Teddy at all. He sat there, Teddy cuddled up on his chest and Ginny standing behind him, stroking her hands through his hair and easing the tension that had built up after a morning of infant wailing.

There was only a few moments respite however as Mrs Weasley came out of the Floo not long afterwards, dropping a number of parcels on the hearth, knocking over the fire irons and stumbling into a chair.

“Oh goodness, I’m not normally so inelegant,” she muttered. “I must not let Arthur order so much butterbeer next time.” She looked up startled as Teddy started up his monologue of wailing. Harry winced and struggled to his feet to begin pacing. Mrs Weasley, abandoning her parcels, hurried over to him.

“Goodness, what <i>are</i> you doing to that poor child, Harry dear?”

“It’s not <i>me</i>,” said Harry in exasperation. “It’s <i>him</i>. He won’t stop. He’s barely stopped all day and he’s been going half the night!”

“Oh dear, poor Andromeda,” tutted Mrs Weasley as she expertly took Teddy from Harry’s grasp.

“That’s why he’s here. She needs a break,” Harry explained. “It seemed like a good idea until I figured out that I have absolutely no idea how to deal with him.” Mrs Weasely smiled fondly at him.

“Not to worry dear. I’m sure we can figure something out.” Sure enough, before long Mrs Weasley had Teddy clean, fed and wrapped snugly, sleeping in the cradle that had belonged to George, Ron and Ginny. Harry shook his head wonderingly as he gazed at Teddy’s peaceful face.

“How did you do that?” he breathed.

“Years of practice dear,” she smiled. She looked at Teddy wistfully.  “I know my last baby is nearly seventeen now but after seven babies, you don’t forget some things. Fred was my screamer, you know. He cried all day and all night for a week when he was Ted’s age. I thought we were all going to go mad. I think Bill and Charlie looked after George that entire week really. Bill was only seven so I’m not sure how George survived.” Mrs Weasley had a faraway look on her face and a lone tear slid down her cheek as she thought about her twin babies, one of whom was now lost. She seemed to pull herself together as she wiped the tear from her cheek.

“I just did for Teddy what I eventually figured out worked for Fred. We’re just lucky it worked on a different baby,” she sighed. “They are all so different. No two are alike, even when they are identical twins. Now, let’s get on and see about dinner. I’ll just pop over and make sure Andromeda is alright for a meal, she must have been exhausted.”

Kreacher’s there,” said Harry absently, watching Teddy sleep. He suddenly found himself engulfed in one of Mrs Weasley’s rib cracking hugs. As Mrs Weasley pulled away he looked at her in confusion.

“What was that for? I brought a wailing infant into your home, without asking you first, expected you to work a miracle on him and you give me a hug?”

“Oh Harry dear, you just don’t know how wonderful you are, do you?” Mrs Weasley’s eyes shone as she looked at him. Harry’s was confused but he got no explanation as Ron chose that moment to enter the kitchen.and his mother shushed him hurriedly before moving Teddy into the living room.

“Blimey, at least she got him sorted out. Kid’s got a set of lungs on him I’ll give you that,” said Ron. “Those girls are giggling up in Ginny’s room. I hate to contemplate what they are doing. You just be thankful you didn’t have to endure the fashion parade today. I managed to slip away after a bit and help George fix up the shop a bit more but blimey, girls can shop!” Harry’s shoulders shook with laughter as Ron continued his monologue about girls fussing over books and pet shop windows and taking forever to decide ice cream flavours but completely missing the point about broomsticks.

“There’s a new broomstick in the window at Quality Quidditch Supplies. I think it’s a new Firebolt model,” Ron paused. “Ginny seemed to care, but then Hermione dragged her away to look at some ruddy pink quill! You have got to come next time. We’ll leave Hermione in Flourish and Blotts and us three’ll go to check out Quidditch gear.”

“Well I guess that’ll be when we get our Hogwarts letters,” said Harry. “Well, not that you’re going, I ‘spect you’ll be at the shop anyway if students are buying school stuff. It’s going to be weird at Hogwarts without you …” he trailed off.

“We’ll still see each other though,” said Ron hurriedly. “Hogsmeade weekends, and I’ll come to every Quidditch match for sure. I can’t imagine you’ll be stuck at Hogwarts though to be honest. Of age and Harry Potter to boot? You’d be able to get out, no worries, any time you want.”

“Already can, or had you forgotten I’ve been doing that since I got there? Not allowed in the third floor corridor due to enormous three headed dog? Grab your flute and head on down anyway. Damsel in distress? Follow the underground chamber only two people can open. Didn’t get your form signed to visit the village? Put on your Invisibility Cloak and go underground to Honeydukes. Need to chase a dog? No problem there’s a secret passage to the Shrieking Shack. Mega dangerous tournament? Not an issue, just portkey on out,” Harry grimaced. “Not that that one was voluntary, but still … need to rescue an escaped convict? Jump on a Thestral! To get back in? Just fly over the gates. Nah mate, I don’t think I’ve ever stayed within accepted boundaries.”

“Always a first time, mate. Make it a goal,” said Ron slapping him on the shoulder. “Bit of a troublemaker aren’t you? Oh yeah speaking of letters, in all the excitement this morning seems we overlooked this one. It’s for you, from Kingsley.” Ron took a letter down from the mantelpiece. Harry took the letter, turning it over in his hands to break the seal. He read the contents and then looked up into Ron’s expectant gaze.

“No one’s claimed Snape’s body. Kingsley wants to know if I want to claim it or if they should give him a quick Ministry burial.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Claim it.”


Teddy stayed three nights at The Burrow. Mrs Weasley’s experienced hand seemed to settle him as much as the techniques she used to stop him crying. She showed Harry how to carry him ‘just so’ to ease what was probably some sort of tummy or wind pain and how to wrap and soothe him so that he felt warm and safe. It was tricky to remember how to do it all at three o’clock in the morning but Harry was determined not to put anybody out with his decision to bring home a squalling infant and he got up to him every time he cried at night.

By the end of Teddy’s stay Harry knew exactly why Andromeda had looked such a wreck the morning he had flooed in and when she came to pick Teddy up he made her promise to keep Kreacher as long as she needed him before heading up to his bed, intending to sleep for a week.

The day of Teddy’s Christening dawned bright and clear and that afternoon, running late, Harry thumped down the stairs, bumping into Mr Weasley as he came through the doorway at a run.

“Ah, there you are Harry, was just coming looking for you!” sad Mr Weasley.

“Ron, thanks for hogging the bathroom, mate. I love a cold shower,” Harry said sourly.

“Thought you needed one mate,” said Ron cheerily. Harry simply glowered at him.

“Come on, come on, that’s enough, boys,” fussed Mrs Weasley. “It won’t do for you to be late, Harry dear. Now, are you sure you are okay to apparate there?”

“Yes thanks Mrs Weasley,” said Harry. “You look very nice by the way.” Mrs Weasley beamed at hm.

“Thank you dear.” Harry knew she did not mean only for the compliment. That’s when Harry took a proper look at the kitchen’s occupants and saw Hermione in a new floaty sort of creation in a very soft pink and Ginny, perched on the edge of the table in some truly breathtaking pale green robes. She was talking animatedly with George and must have felt Harry’s eyes on her because she suddenly turned and smiled at him. Harry moved towards her compelled by some unseen force, but he didn’t resist it. Reaching out a hand to her he leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.

“You look beautiful,” he breathed close to her ear. She put her hands on his chest and gazed up at him before reaching up to try and fix his hair. Her hand trailed down his jaw and her eyes feasted on his lips before she adjusted his collar and his tie. Harry reached up a hand to tuck a piece of flyaway hair behind her ear and then his fingers left a trail down her neck and across her shoulder and he slid his arm down to take her hand in his. He was happy just to look at her, to be the one holding her hand. Ginny looked back into his eyes and he felt himself mesmerised by them.

Oi! If you two stop preening each other we can get going!” Ron was watching them exasperatedly. Harry grinned at him before hurrying out the door behind Mr Weasley so he could Apparate to the little church near Andromeda’s house.

“Why can’t I go with Harry?” asked Ginny as her father prepared to Side-Along Apparate her.

“He only just got his licence! He can’t possibly Side-Along anyone!”

“Dad, he did it the other day! Harry’s been able to Side-Along Apparate people since before he was seventeen,” snorted Ron. Mr Weasley looked stunned.

“Who on earth would be foolish enough to let an unlicensed sixteen year old Apparate them?” barked Mrs Weasley, clearly she suspected Ron would.

“Professor Dumbledore,” muttered Harry, irritated. Mr and Mrs Weasley fell silent and Harry, feeling conspicuous under their gaze simply mumbled that he would see them all there and Apparated away quickly.

His part in the Christening dictated that Harry did not sit with the Weasleys so he did not speak to them again until after the service. The incident before they left had put him a little off kilter but holding Teddy, dressed in an antique Christening gown that had belonged to Ted Tonks’s Muggle family made him feel a little more balanced and he began to relax.

“Ted’s family was quite religious you know,” said Andromeda as they sat near the front, waiting for the service to begin. “A couple of his cousins have come today, ones that understand the magical world – there’s no way I can disguise that hair!” Harry grinned as Teddy blew bubbles and turned his previously turquoise hair black like Harry’s. Andromeda went on to explain how some Muggleborns combined their Muggle church heritage with their magical world so there were a few churches around where the priests and pastors were able to perform the religious rites for wizarding children.

This satisfied the curiosity Harry had about his own Christening and the completely secular nature of Dumbledore’s funeral and Bill’s wedding which had been performed by wizarding officials. With a Muggleborn mother he’d had access to Muggle church rituals as did little Teddy.

“Dora and Remus didn’t name any other godparents, so it’s just you,” explained Andromeda as she gave him the service sheet that indicated his part in the service. Harry saw the Weasleys and Hermione file into the church and sit with Bill and Fleur just before the pastor began the Christening. He wondered vaguely what had kept them as he’d Disapparated a good twenty minutes earlier but his involvement in the ceremony distracted him and he turned his full attention to Teddy.

Without the presence of Teddy’s parents, Harry alone presented him for the Christening rite, Andromeda declining to stand in for her daughter and son in law, sitting quietly and shedding a few silent tears that they had missed this. Harry made a promise then to always be there for every big moment and lots of small moments in Teddy’s life. He couldn’t afford to wallow in depression; he felt an undeniable need to make sure Teddy’s life was free from the miseries that he’d experienced. As he took part in the Christening ceremony the promise was cemented.

Harry didn’t have much experience with churches and God but as he promised the rites of the church he applied them equally to the wizarding community.

“Will you pray for him, draw him by our example into the community of faith and walk with him in the way of Christ?” intoned the pastor. As Harry answered that he would, he applied that to providing for Teddy examples of being a good man, the sort of man his father had been, how Remus would have showed him how to be a good man if he had lived, and a lone tear rolled down Harry’s cheek, splashing into the yellowing, delicate lace of the Christening gown as he vowed in his heart to always walk with Teddy in the wizarding community which he himself had been denied for so long.

“Will you care for him and help him take his place within the life and worship of Christ’s Church?” droned the pastor. Harry said that he would, at the same time he gazed at Teddy and vowed to help him find and take his place as a wizard and know about his family. In his mind he promised Sirius that he’d be a better godfather than him and he rather felt that he heard Sirius laughing and possibly his dad and Remus joining in. The thought made him smile as he silently promised Teddy that he’d always be there for him, for anything.

The pastor baptised Teddy and pronounced blessings on him that Harry was not really aware of, his thoughts now turning to Ginny as he watched her, sitting quietly with her family. She smiled up at him and he smiled back and when the service was over and the pictures taken, the flash going off reminding Harry of Colin but the feeling was not sad or panicky for once but a warm memory, Harry took his godson over to see Ginny. He turned his hair red when he saw Ginny and neither of them saw Mrs Weasley looking at them fondly as they fussed over the infant in Ginny’s arms. Harry slipped an arm around Ginny’s slender waist and leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered in her ear. “I shouldn’t have left like that; it was a bit rude of me. I just –“

It’s okay, Harry,” interrupted Ginny. “We understand. You should have heard Ron go off at Mum and Dad. I think he ranted for a good fifteen minutes! Hermione had to threaten to hex him to get him to stop.”

“What did he say?” asked Harry curiously as he tickled Teddy’s tummy.

“Some pretty choice words about being polite and it wasn’t the Done Thing to question the skills of Harry Potter,” Ginny giggled. “It was quite funny actually. Mum just stood there with her mouth opening and closing like a fish and dad sort of stared at him like he had two heads. Then Ron went off on a tangent about how it wasn’t smart to question your abilities if they want the house to remain standing because he’s seen you get when you’re angry and if they’re going to set you off while you’re still, well, a bit upset from the ‘whole war thing’ they could have a major magical catastrophe on their hands.” Harry looked startled.

“What does he mean I’m a ‘bit upset’?” demanded Harry. Ginny shrugged.

“Well you are,” she said. “It’s not like we haven’t seen you moody before, no one cares, but your moods do swing a bit suddenly at the moment.” Ginny looked at him apologetically. Harry felt defensive and crossed his arms over his chest. Ginny put a hand softly on his arm and went on. “And that’s okay. Anyway he got into full stride and started going on about all sorts of odd things that no one quite got the gist of. I think he was basically saying they have to remember you’re an adult and extremely powerful and use a lot more tact, or something. I’m not really sure. That’s when Hermione threatened to hex him.”

“What’s this extremely powerful rubbish?” scoffed Harry, still defensive.

“Oh come on Harry, you know you are,” snapped Ginny. She began to walk away as Teddy, sensing the argument began to fret. Harry followed her, watching as she handed the baby to Andromeda. Ginny turned back to him.

“No, I’m not,” he whispered fiercely at her, a grim smile plastered on his face as he waved at Hagrid who was stuck outside, a little too big to get in through the doors and had watched the Christening through a window specially modified for the day.

“Oh you are so, stop being difficult,” sighed Ginny. “Do all thirteen year olds conjure fully corporeal Patronuses? Do fourteen year olds win Triwizard Tournaments?”

“Crouch fixed that! And what about Cedric?” snapped Harry. Ginny barked a short burst of laughter.

“Well, that just proves my point. He was seventeen! You totally matched him,” said Ginny exasperatedly. “You learned all those spells on your own. How many people can summon something with <i>Accio</i> from the castle to the Forest? I can barely get something across the classroom most days!” Harry was still looking at her grimly, his eyes narrowed. Folding her arms across her own chest she narrowed her eyes right back at him. Harry tried not to notice what that did to rearrange her chest and how beautiful she was when she was flushed. He forced his mind back to what she was saying.

“Most of us can’t fight off possession by evil wizards,” she hissed. Harry blanched. “Other people get him in their head and he takes over. <i>You</i> on the other hand are strong enough and powerful enough to put up with him in your head and throw him out if you so choose.” She broke off and looked at him for a long moment before turning and stomping off. Harry watched her retreating back in a daze, her slim ankles showing beneath the hem of her robes which clung to her in all the right places. It occurred to him a little too late that he should go after her. Standing motionless he was soon caught up in a crowd of guests, all of whom wanted to talk to him.

Harry politely and a little distractedly made small talk with the guests at the Christening. He went back to Andromeda’s garden where tea was served ably by Kreacher but with the duties of being godfather he never seemed to get a moment near Ginny, let alone a chance to talk with her. He endured introductions to all of Ted Tonks’s Muggle cousins and a long winded conversation with Dedalus Diggle about the Dursleys. There were official duties like cutting the cake and thanking everyone for coming. Ron and Hermione seemed to have disappeared and Harry was soon cornered by Neville who launched into a long monologue about his plans for the year.

He’d decided to return to Hogwarts and properly complete his NEWTS and Harry fidgeted through a long winded description of who Neville thought might make a good replacement Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor and who would be the new Muggle Studies teacher.

“No doubt McGonagall will put the curriculum back the way it’s supposed to be. Two most important subjects I reckon. We have a lot of ground to make up with Muggleborn relations I’d say after last year. Got to do a lot of work to undo the rubbish we were taught in Dark Arts last year. Who’d you reckon would be good at it, Harry?”

“Oh, er, I dunno, Neville. An Auror would be good probably,” said Harry vaguely as he scanned the crowd for Ginny.

“Professor Sprout said the herd has welcomed Firenze back into the Forest, so Trelawney’s back to being the lone Divination teacher. I can’t believe some people put stock in that stuff you know,” Neville sighed and affected a dreamy look that startled Harry. “Still it’s what makes some people tick you know. For me it’s plants. For Parvati it’s Divination…”

Pavarti?” asked Harry, ceasing his search for Ginny as he focused on Neville properly. “What’s going on with you and Parvati then?” Harry wished he had not asked. Neville commenced a discourse on her bravery, beauty, grit and determination that went for a full ten minutes.

“And she likes dancing too. She’s been helping me learn how to do it without, you know, stepping on her toes,” Neville said wryly. “Poor Ginny never once complained at the Yule Ball you know.”

“Yeah, yeah, she’s a great dancer,” said Harry distractedly as he spotted Ginny with her parents, talking to Andromeda. They looked like they were saying goodbye. “Listen, Neville, why don’t you stop by The Burrow some time, bring Pavarti. I’ve got to go.” And he dashed off leaving Neville waving after him cheerily and saying he’d be by sometime next week. Weaving through the crowd he reached Andromeda just as Ginny and her parents disapparated. He groaned aloud.

“Oh, there you are Harry!” exclaimed Andromeda and she dragged him off to meet a series of people who Harry could not remember and who he never expected to see again. It was nearly dark by the time he returned home. Ron and Hermione had turned up half an hour before, looking not a little bit disheveled and Harry ribbed them about it for the whole time they spent helping Kreacher clear up. They said good night to Andromeda and Harry promised he’d be back later in the week before they disapparated back to The Burrow.

“Hello dears,” called Mrs Weasley from the stove where she was making hot chocolate when they walked into the kitchen, Harry still mocking them over their earlier disappearing act. “I wondered when you’d be home, it’s getting on a bit after all.” She walked over to Harry and pulled him into a gentle hug. “You did wonderfully today dear. We’re very proud of you and, well I’m sorry about this morning I was a little surprised is all. Ron er, set us straight though. I’m sorry I underestimated you.” Harry smiled wryly.

“So I heard. Where’s Ginny?”

“She went on up to her room as soon as we got home,” Mrs Weasley paused, looking thoughtful. “She’s been a bit quiet all afternoon. I haven’t been able to figure out what’s wrong.” Harry sighed and flopped into a chair.

“I think we might have had a bit of a disagreement.”

“You <i>think</i>?” asked Hermione incredulously. “How can you not <i>know</i>?”

“What did you say?” asked Ron resignedly as he pinched a biscuit from the plate on the table and perched himself expectantly on the sideboard.

“How do you know <i>I</i> said anything?” said Harry defensively. Hermione just raised her eyebrow at him and Harry sighed.

“You should go and apologise,” stated Ron as he stuffed another biscuit in his mouth.

“Hey, hang on! How do you know I’ve got something to apologise for?” When Ron raised his eyebrow at him Harry merely sighed and stood up.

“Just so you all know, I am going to go and apologise now,” announced Harry as he headed for the stairs.

“Oh, good show Harry, you’ll get points for that,” said George as he entered the kitchen. Giving George a glare Harry ascended the stairs mumbling about smart alecks and he heard Mrs Weasley call after him that she could see what he was doing with his fingers and she wouldn’t hesitate to jinx them together next time.

Ron’s laughter echoed up the stairs after him.