Theo Saxton stood waiting at the bottom of the stairs for the first year for well over 10 minutes. He was still confused as to why Professor Margins could not do this. She had, after all, been responsible for greeting the first years for as long as he could remember. But now was not the time, nor the place, to be speculating about what she may or may not be doing at this moment. No, he had to focus on what he would say to the first years. He knew that most of them would be very confused as to why they weren't going to Hogwarts, or Durmstrang like most of their friends. They had, after all, only been told they would be attending school here a few weeks ago.

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the first years. Still not knowing what to say, Theo simply waited until they all had descended the stairs, before he turned and starting walking, fully expecting them to begin following him. He halted at the doors to the main hall, turned, and took his first real look at the first years. He saw that they were all either confused, scared, or nervous. It did not help him know exactly what to tell them. But he spoke to them anyways. Not knowing exactly what he was saying; Theo just hoped to make it through this ordeal without looking stupid.

And that is when the doors behind him opened. He knew from experience that this would be a very interesting time for the first years. He remembered when he had to go through all of this too. It had ended surprisingly well for how bad he thought he had reacted. But it was just so enticing for him to do what he had done. It had turned out for the best, but he learned something about himself that he hadn't wanted to know.

And that is why this should prove to be interesting for them. This was a crucial time in there schooling. They wouldn't be able to appreciate it fully yet, but they would, in time. Pulling himself away from his thought, he stepped aside and wished them luck as they filed into the great hall.